
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Everybody Wants abs

In todays world you see fewer and fewer people with well defined abs in their mid life.  Age catches up with you after a while.  Your body is slower to heal., and you get tired easier.  Even I get that way once in a while.
There is every gmmick known to man for sale out there.  Every diet you can immagine.  Lots of videos, different exercise programs.  Abs... vanity as it were, is big business.  Even me, I don't want my gut hanging over my belt.  In my oppinion it all boils down to hard work... although I did see a commercial the other day about someone who claimed she could help you get a flat stomache by breathing properly.

I do own an Ab lounge, and I like it.  I don't have to get down on the floor and do situps, but I do it anyway.  I do all kinds of ab related excercises.  The ab lounge is a little easier yes, but I like a rounded work out, so I do EVERYTHING.  If I work out a little harder I do get results.

I encourage any mid lifer who starts working out... don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away.  Your body is changing.  It may not seem like it, but change is taking place though you may not be able to see it with your naked eye.  Start a routine. Stick to it... and for crying out loud get a reasonable diet with good food. get rid of the junk, OK?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm 53 Years Old, and I still Have Abs

I am a 53 year old guy and I still have abs. I consider myself blessed. In the early days I used to really watch my diet. I exercised more and I did a lot more sit ups, push-ups, running, combat sports... you name it.
As a person ages, they have so many responsibilities that it sometimes seems to crush them. Sometimes you just don't seem to have any time to yourself. What happens? You say... I was up late last night with a crying baby, I can't get up too early this morning... I'll skip the jog... just this one time.
After all, I've got to be fresh at work today. Anyway, how an I going to feed this baby, if I loose my job? You sleep little too long, so you start running late, then you gotta rush, drop the kids off to school, no time for breakfast Hon... I'll get something on the way to work.
Traffic was bad, so you barely made it to work on time. Wow, plate full of donuts today... of well, just this one time, I missed breakfast, I can have a few donuts if I want to, It's not like I do it all the time. There is no healthy food here at work... I don't have a choice... I have to eat this stuff. Sooo much work to do..............................setting here at my desk.........................all day long.

Life can creep up on you and before you even know what hit you............. you're over weight, with absolutely no energy and............. a gut that is hanging over your belt. Since you are no spring chicken, It's a lot harder to exercise than it used to be, even when you want to do it.
It's just soooo hard to get motivated. Also, some of your body parts actually hurt now. You get tired a lot easier now-a-days. You've tried to do the right thing a couple of times, but you just get burned out and quit. One day you just get sick of trying.

You do manage to avoid the mirror for the longest time, but one day you can't help but look, and what do you see? The "Fat Elvis" version of yourself. The first time you see it, you are in shock. Maybe even denial., but you finally get used to it... and finally you except it and you just give up.
Me? What about me? What makes me so special? Well actually, I'm just like everybody else, I do have my times when I have a difficult time eating right or getting exercise. However, I have discovered something about myself. A little bit goes a long way. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT MISTER XMAN? WHY DO YOU ALWAYS SOUND LIKE YOU'RE SPEAKING IN CODE?!

Relax Skippy. Let me explain. I have times when my life gets busy, just like everybody else. After all, I live in Manhattan. So I know all about busy. I know all about that tempting quick bite that is so readily available. You know it would be a lot better for you to wait just a little while longer and eat something a little healthier.
I have to admit it is VERY difficult to avoid sometimes. Still I do catch breaks when I have time to eat right and exercise properly... and it makes a difference. A big difference. You may not notice. However, others seem to notice. Try a little experiment for a week or two.

Eat right and just get a LITTLE exercise for two weeks. Just TWO weeks. See if people don't notice. They will. even just two weeks will do wonders for you. A little bit goes a long way. Just like "Fat Elvis"sneaks up on you, the slimmer more healthier you will sneak up on you too.
That's right, Sometimes it is not easy to do the right thing, however, most of us have the capacity to change. We just have to do a little tweaking in our schedule to work it out.

You must find a block of time somewhere in your day and claim it. It is yours. Nobody disturbs you for that block of time. It might be 30 minuets, it could be 20 minuets, It might even be as little as 10 minuets a day, but nobody gets to disturb you for those 10 minuets.

Only you know when the right time is. Do you have to set an alarm clock before everyone else wakes up, so you can have a few minuets to yourself? Perhaps the best time is just a half hour just before bedtime, or maybe right after you get home from work ... when you change out of your work clothes.
Maybe you can actually get in a whole hour sometime over the week end and slip in a Wednesday every week. It does take effort and discipline.
You have to force yourself a little sometimes... just a little. Don't look in the mirror. Take a picture. One before picture and one after picture. That is a great way to encourage yourself. Pictures don't lie. Not the mirror though, that's too gradual. You can't see the dramatic change that takes place.

After you are encouraged, you can go at it a little harder, and you will see even bigger results. Trust me. I do know what its like. I have these long periods of time where I don't exercise as much as I would like to, and I get a little mad at myself, but I never completely quit.
One of my favorite pieces of equipment is this thing called an "Ab Lounge". I'm sure you've seen them in TV commercials. I actually hang mine on the wall near my bed. It's always there to remind me, sooner or later I've got to take that thing down and work it.

I don't work out nearly as much as I would like to... because sometimes my life is insanely busy, but sometimes all I need is a little "touch up" anyway. Just a little maintenance to keep the old abs in place. I think for a 53 year old guy I'm not so bad. Yes, I do realize that one day I will be dead, one day I will eventually get a little older, and blah, blah blah.
However, I will say the same thing I always say about all inevitable situations. If it's going to get dark, don't curse the darkness. Get a flash light, or light a candle. Don't sit around in the dark complaining. Just do the best you can. You won't regret it.

Oh by the way............ I LOVED ELVIS.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Buy Gold Now with Mister Xman1

I don't know about you, but I find it very frustrating to live in a time of financial uncertainty. All indicators seem to point to economic collapse because the US government seems to think it's OK to print money like it's going out of style.
Sooner or later, you have to pay the Piper... and unfortunately, the innocent are going to suffer the most. Every expert on the planet says that endlessly printing money is irresponsible, and that there is going to be a crash soon if something doesn't change. By change I mean now.

Things are not getting better. No one seems to be doing anything. I suppose all you can do when you are on the deck of the Titanic, and you see an iceberg approaching... is brace for shock. So that is what I am advising people to do... Brace for shock. When you know it's going to get dark... you buy candles and flash lights.
When you know your government is not going to stop printing money, and soon paper currency is going to be worthless... you better buy some gold. If you don't know how, you'd better get educated... quick.
I have taken it upon myself to get involved to help people buy gold for themselves, their loved ones , and to also make money while doing so. I'm just trying to be a responsible American for once. ( Smile. )

Friday, June 3, 2011

Mister Xman1 on Xmen First Class

Xmen First Class... and Mister Xman1... is there any connection between the two? No, I am sorry to say that this humble little old entrepreneur has nothing to do with the Xmen comics, the Xmen movies or their franchise. However, I've seen all the Xmen movies and I like them for the most part.

I didn't have a lot of money growing up, so I didn't get a chance to read a lot of comics.

Why do you dress like a superhero Mister Xman? Are you a Superhero? Why the name "Mister Xman" if you're not one of the Xmen? Those are all very fair questions. First of all, I think the Xmen are cool, but they are fictional. I am a very real person.

I'm not a mutant. I don't come from another planet, and I don't have any super powers...AT LEAST, NOT YET. I say "not yet" because I think that super powers ( on some level ) are actually possible. I just think that a person who develops actual super powers will need to spend a lot of money to develop those super powers.

I have been using disguises for over 30 years now. The original intent was not to be some kind of superhero, but rather to protect my privacy as an entertainer. Years ago, I was a struggling entertainer. People used to stop me in the street and ask me " Hey aren't you the guy who... " several times a day. Some days it was hard to go from point A to point B without getting stopped several times. I often found myself in awkward, uncomfortable situations.

I knew that things had gotten out of control when this young lady started stalking me. She eventually started showing up at my job. There was nothing I could say to get her to leave me alone, so I quit my job. I stopped performing locally, and once in a while I went out of town to perform. Only this time, I wore a disguise and used a pseudonym.

That was how it started. If you read some of my earlier blogs, you will find out, I never started out trying to become a superhero. All my life I have been in pretty decent shape, I liked martial arts and I was a pretty good runner. One of the places where I lived had a problem with purse snatchers.

If I saw someone grab a ladies purse... that made my blood boil. What a rotten thing to do to somebody. So I always ran after the guy. I got purses back because I could always out run the purse snatcher. Usually the guy was so tired by the time I caught up with him... it was very easy to snatch the purse right back.

Are these guys dangerous? Well most of them never put up a fight, they were just tired and wanted to get away. I have only had one guy try to fake me out with some half hearted martial arts stance, but I ignored him and took the purse anyway.

I did not slid down a Bat pole before I started chasing this guy, nor did I feel it necessary to change into a costume before I ran after him. I just saw a person have their whole life ripped from their arms in an instant and it seemed so unfair... and I just couldn't let it happen.

I didn't think I had done anything that was particularly heroic. I just thought I was doing the right thing. All my life I just helped people when I could. I was sure there were lots of people around the country who did the same stuff. I'm sure they did it just because someone needed their help. That's the way it should be.

So the whole idea of dressing up in a costume to patrol the streets, then calling myself a superhero was a foreign concept to me. A couple of years ago, I began to hear stories of people who were doing exactly that. Although, I found these stories interesting... I distanced myself from anything associated with the Real Life Superhero movement.

The reason being... I am ex-military, which means I am used to order, structure and a set of rules that people follow to the letter. It gives me a sense of comfort to know that my team mate who is working along side me is professionally trained and I can count on him or her when my back is against the wall.

I thought about what might happen if a bunch of half cocked untrained civilians from all over the place start engaging in vigilante activities. I did not want to be part of group where there were a hundred different interpretations of how a superhero should conduct himself.

I smelled disaster in the making. So I steered clear. Eventually, I started learning more about Real Life Superheroes... on you tube... the television news... news papers... and the Kick *$$ movie. As far as my personal life goes, I was already doing EVERYTHING that Real Life Superheroes do. I helped people. I did lots of charity work. I even looked like a Superhero.

Crossing over to the Real life Superhero movement was a process for me. Unlike my fictional comic book counterparts, I don't use my disguise the same way Batman or Superman use their disguise. If people find out that Bruce Wane or Clark Kent is a superhero, it ruins their life. Me... I just want some measure of control over my interaction with the public. All the people at work know my alternate identity.

I just want to keep things down to a dull roar. I want to regulate how much of my life I share with people. I feel like I should be entitled to privacy when I'm not in the public eye. Sometimes I go to work like an ordinary person. Then all day long I hear... Mister Xman yada yada... Mister Xman this... Mister Xman that... MisterXman bla bla bla......... all day long!

I can't get them to stop, no matter what I say. I don't come to work dressed as Mister Xman. I don't talk about Mister Xman at work and I just try to do a good job. So one day I confronted one of the guys who kept saying Mister Xman all day long. Let's just call him Harold.

Look Harold, there is no Mister Xman here. I'm just a person. I am just an entertainer, not a superhero. He said, No, you are a superhero,. You are MY SUPERHERO. Well all rightly then... how do you argue with that? Eventually I joined Real Life Superheroes .org. I am still not a hundred percent comfortable using the title "SUPERHERO" yet. So I call myself a Superhero Advisor.

That's right Superhero Advisor. I figured this is one of the ways I can address some of my concerns regarding the Real Life Superhero movement. Now I can do it as a member of the organization, not some nosey outsider.

I've done lots of charity work, I have rescued kittens, performed CPR in a live situation, chased knife welding murderers... purse snatchers, broke up fights where weapons were involved and that's just the stuff I can remember. I was also in the military for a number of years. I even did some time as a military cop.

Who better to come along side Real Life Superheroes and give them advice that will keep them on the straight and narrow?. Good advice that will keep them out of trouble. For example... If you happen to get into some kind of Adam West Wham... Bam ... Slam tuffle with some bad guy, and you hit him in the shin with a knight stick... There is a possibility you could get in trouble yourself. As a military cop, I was only authorised to hit the back of the calf with my night stick.

I doubt if most people know that.

( Even with my background, I go out of my way to tell people CALL 911 FIRST. Of course, I realize this is not always possible. )

I've only been in the Real Life superhero ranks for a few days now. However, I hope to make some positive contributions to the cause. I hope to grow to the point where I will be comfortable enough to call myself a superhero. Even more than that, I want to help to create the next level Real Life Superhero.

I can't wait to see the movie, and In the end, I hope no one will get the impression that I am trying muscle in on the Xman First Class. Although, I totally agree... they ARE first Class all the way, they're just not real. I want to be just as classy... only...I want to do it in real life.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Buy Mister Xman1 Stuff

Buy Mister Xman1 Stuff? What the heck does that mean? You are going to laugh when I say it...I am Mister Xman, I have some stuff, and you can buy my stuff. Ta dah!! Seriously, I am many things to many people, but one of my passions in life is helping middle aged people to live a better life.

If I am a middle aged man myself, and I go around preaching do this and do that...fix this and fix that...yet don't provide any examples...what good is that? I tell people all the time, you must start a business of your own, because you simply need more money in this stinking economy. I tell people to invest In gold, because they will need a hedge against the shrinking dollar.

I give lots of practical, common sense advice all the time. Whether or not you listen to my advice ...well, that's up to you. However, if you do decide to do something for yourself, make sure you use your head. Do some research, and figure out what best suits our lifestyle.

For example: Wow , Mister Xman, I hear you. It makes perfect sense. I need more money to make ends meet. I'm going to run down to the bank, take out a loan on my house and go build a store down the street. NEVER MIND THAT ONLY 15 CARS A YEAR DRIVE BY THAT STREET, I AM GOING TO RISK IT ALL BECAUSE I READ IT IN A BLOG SOMEWHERE.


Whoa! Down Boy, hold on Sparky! Back up. Use your head. Do some research. Think about your particular situation. You are unique, there is no one else like you on the whole planet. Perhaps a corner store is not practical for your needs.

If you have never had a business before, you are going to have to educate yourself before you run off into the sunset with your guns blazing. Since we now live in an information age, it is pretty simple to find out answers for most questions. No matter what you are trying to find out, most answers are only a few mouse clicks away.

The Internet is one of the best places to learn just about anything you can imagine. NOT EVERYTHING, MIND YOU, but most things. Definitely how to start a business. If your dream is to be a first time business owner, that is a very realistic, very obtainable goal. As long as you learn the formula and obey the rules you will be OK.

Basically, I'm saying make sure you put water in the pool before you jump. YOU fill that thing up...don't trust someone else to do it for you. Sometimes they say they will...and then they don't actually do it. Always double check. Make sure that no one drained the pool when your back was turned. For some strange reason... certain people love to sabotage the efforts of other people. Thank me later for that little insight.

Once that pool is filled. Think about all the little things. Keep the proper chlorine balance to kill dangerous biologicals. Me,... I would have security camera nearby. Perhaps some mean spirited person will want to urinate in your pool. Of course all this talk has NOTHING to do with pools. It is just a metaphor for a the mindset you must have for starting up a business.

By the way, I haven't swam in a public pool for over 30 years now. Why? Well, because when I did swim in public pools there were lots and lots of other people in the pool with me. I am kind of a germaphobic. Every time I swam in the pool, I got a big mouth full of water. ( Gross ) If you don't understand what I,m talking about, do a little survey.

Ask any large group of people the following question: Be honest now, how many of you have ever peed in a public pool? I feel confident that the answer will be a little unsettling. In our minds we already know it's true. It's just something we never think about. OH MAN!!! Look at me. I'm getting off the subject.

Anyway, the point of this blog most middle aged people, I need something out of the norm to make my life work. The economy is brutal. We all need more money. Starting a small business is something that makes perfect sense. I own several small businesses. Yes, I am spread out a little thin, but that's the way GOD built me. If I wasn't always challenging myself to do better, I don't think I could get out of bed in the morning.

Some of my business ventures are on line. On line is a great way to do a business, because it solves the problem of building a store where there's no traffic. A store is a great idea, but if it's in the middle of nowhere, it does you no good. That's why doing business on the internet is such a brilliant idea. Having an on line store is like having a storefront that can serve customers from all over the world.

( A word of caution for on line...OR ANY business for that need to learn to advertise. If you don't, you are wasting your time)

For an Internet based business...start-up costs can range anywhere from expensive, to little or nothing at all. It's an idea who's time has arrived. It is important for me to help people to help themselves. So, out of all the ventures that I have going...the following example is probably one of the best example. If you are a "newbie" you may like this business model. I is one of the easiest I have ever seen.

What if you have a me, and you could put your logo on products and sell the stuff on line? That's exactly what I do. My on line store is called "Mister Xman1 Stuff" It was easy to get this thing up and running, and it didn't cost anything to set up. I also have good quality merchandise. ( As you can see from the sample photos.)

This kind of venture is not right for everyone, but for a lot of us mid lifers it's the perfect no hassle business to start up. If you would like to purchase some of my Mister Xman1 Stuff , or would like to learn how to set up your own on line store, click this link: Go ahead, buy a tee shirt for your kid... Let him look like a Superhero.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mister Xman1 What's Next

Hello whoever you are...My name is Mister Xman1. I can best be described as a entertainer/ artist/ film maker/ entrepreneur and all around fun guy. I like to teach people to believe all things are possible. Very subtle, but I accomplish this by teaching people how to do magic. When you practice magic on a regular basis, your problem solving mindset becomes supercharged.

Mister Xman exists to take advantage of two dramatically different lifestyles. One Lifestyle is very quite and private, the other very public. So in a nutshell, the Mister Xman character has been created to be an extension of myself. It's a chance to live out fantasies in the public eye and still have a private life as well.

I have actually had some mild success with a few you tube videos I've created. Most notably, I have a fake UFO tutorial. It's the number one tutorial of it's kind on the Internet. I am pleased with this thing because people seem to like it. I wanted to show people they could make their own convincing UFO photos and videos.

I actually provided a valuable service, because while doing life long research on the UFO phenomena, I encountered a massive amount of fraudulent Photos and Videos. Many times these fakes were presented as genuine. It bugged me, because I was looking for truth. I have had people thank me because they learned how to be discerning when viewing evidence.

My philosophy has always been...never show your best work first...always leave people wanting more. So the next UFO tutorial will be more technicaly demanding, also more visually appealing.

Also on you tube I've posted a few magic illusions and tricks, there's also some interesting basketball shots. The message I want to convey with the video I've posted on this blog is this...I do plan to step it up and create bigger better content.

My life is not all about you tube videos by the way. There other projects I want to accomplish utilizing my Mister Xman character. Since I am a middle aged man myself, I naturally have an interest in issues dealing with middle aged people. In my spare time I have been creating a resource center for mid lifers. I am looking forward to providing quality information that will help make people's lives better.

If you read my blogs you will see me downplaying any similarities between Mister Xman and Real life Superheroes. However, I do wonder from time to time...If an actual "comic book style Superhero" really existed...what would he be like?

Today's modern Real Life Superheroes for the most part...wear costumes, patrol the street in neighborhood watch programs, and do charity work. That's all fine...but I wonder what it would be like to see a person who is more like the Superheroes portrayed in comic books.

What if a regular guy could have super strength? What if a person could figure out how to actually fly without an airplane? What about real super powers? How about owning a very unusual really cool Superhero vehicle? Now that would be something to see.

Though I do not call myself a Superhero, perhaps I will explore these questions and see if it is possible to create a "next level" Real Life Super Hero. It seems like it would be a great project to work on. Maybe I will never get around to do something on this scale, because it would be very expensive and time consuming. Besides, the present version of Mister Xman keeps me busy enough.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Who is Mister Xman1?

Just exactly who is Mister Xman anyway? People always want to know what is the deal with the guy in the mask. What is he up to? Why is he wearing a mask in the first place? If you have the need to know, I suggest you read some of my old blog posts and find out for yourself. The best way to understand a person is to get your information straight from the source.

I have actually heard people say I am trying to be a Real Life Superhero. Wrong. All you have to do is read some of my old blog posts, and you will find out that is a false statement. Though I respect anyone who patrols the street with a mask and a costume. I have no interest in doing it myself. I AM NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY REAL LIFE SUPERHERO CLUB. I DON'T DO THAT STUFF, AND I NEVER HAVE.

I have retrieved a few purses from purse snatchers, and done a few daring deeds in my time. However, I've never dived into a phone booth, or changed into a costume, while yelling "up, up and away" as I flew through the air. I don't have a Bat Cave, or an X-Mobile, and when Mayor Bloomberg has a crime problem, he calls Ray Kelly, not me.

Then again, If I told you I was all sweet and humble and I wasn't trying to get any attention...that would be a bold faced lie. The nature of my skills require public attention for my talents to be of any use.

Most people who call themselves Real Life Superheroes dress in costumes, patrol the streets and do charity work. They can't fly, and they have no super powers to speak of. If they say they're a superhero, I have no problem with it. Go for it.

I just worry that certain individuals within the Real Life Superhero movement sometimes become a little over zealous and forget that life is not a comic book. They try to pull off a daring rescue, but get hurt in the process. I can think of 2 examples right now where one guy suffered a broken nose and the other a dislocated shoulder because they got in just a little too deep.

I would venture to say that most of these people have no training in law enforcement whatsoever, yet they sometimes use the title "crime fighter" in their online profile. That makes me just a little uncomfortable. Enough about them ( Their heart is in the right place ) this is about me.

Me? I am many things to many people. To some people I am a poet. I used to write custom made poetry for people. Once people found out I could write poems, people started paying me to write poetry for their loved ones. I don't like to write for other people, because I have to interview them, and do research on the subject matter.

It's time consuming. Another thing, I didn't want to feel like I was in a bad version of a Cyrano de Bergerac remake. (If you would like to read one of my poems, see my blog titled: The Child who Adopted Me.)

I"m an entrepreneur. I don't want to go into detail, because I have a long way to go before I can start bragging about being successful.

I am a professional artist. When I say professional, I mean I used to get paid to do art work. For 5 years it was how I earned my living. I specialize in several different mediums. Sculpting, painting, you name it. There are actually a few celebrities who own some of my work. If you would like to see one of my creations, check out a book written by my friend Arlene Gaal.

The book is called "In Search of Ogopogo, Sacred Creature of the Okinagan Waters" by Hancock House Publishers. The pseudonym I used was Caleb Doubtfire.

I am a master of disguise. If I don't want to be recognised...I won't. If I were Waldo, you'd never find me.

I am a multi talented entertainer. I won't go into detail, because I am always inventing new things to share with people. However, a lot of what I have to offer has never been seen before. If you have something original, you must be careful when and how you share it with the public. Opportunist have a habit of stealing anything that isn't nailed down. One of the reasons I am on you tube is to better control when and how my work is presented.

You tube is a great format to present new ideas. I have presented a few ideas on you tube and have had some mild success. I am planing on cranking up the frequency and quality of my you tube videos soon after publishing this blog.

I am a film maker of sorts. Though I haven't released anything yet, I am planing on releasing a "How to" video on the subject of UFO fakery soon.

So, if you are wondering who I am and what I am up to, I can sum it up this way...I am an introvert and an extrovert at the same time. On the one hand, I am a highly extroverted outgoing, man of mystery, jump off a cliff, daredevil, in your face, share my life with the world, entertainer kind of a mask.

On the other hand, I am an introverted, stay at home, nerd, read a book, go see a movie, enjoy my private life kind of guy. So, I have a dual personality type, and I am very comfortable with both sides of my personality.

Last, I can't fly, I don't have super powers or a cool super least, not yet anyway...and until I do, I won't be using the title " Superhero " to describe myself.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Midlife Call to Action

It is so frustrating to watch the price of gas going thru the roof. It is not my fault, but there seems to be nothing I can do about it. In fact, the price of everything is going up, yet the value of the dollar is declining. Here in New York the price of public transportation is constantly increasing. New Yorkers were already struggling to get by, when someone decided to increase the metro fares a few months ago.

The rent here is unbelievable. All in all, New York city is one of the most expensive places in the country. I've lived here for almost 9 years, and I agree with the song that goes: If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere. Yes, it's rough in New York, but then again, people are suffering everywhere.

Gas is up to nearly $5 an gallon. That's insane. Recently, we've had to deal with a recession and a housing crisis. There are other problems as well, like the price for your kid's education. Sending a kid to college is like buying another house. GOD help you if you get sick, because a trip to the hospital could wipe you out financially.

We elect people who are supposed to make these problems go away. It does not matter if they are Republican or Democrat. They seem to be incapable of changing anything. We pay these guys to run the show. We give them our money and expect them to be responsible with their trusted position. So what happens? The country has a deficit so huge that the number is well pass the trillion dollar mark. Most of us can't even fathom how big a trillion dollars is.

Politicians are great at making "trust me...elect me" speeches, but they don't actually seem to know how to CHANGE anything. Unfortunately, their solution for most problems seem to be ...more taxes. That's right, tax people right into the ground...that will fix everything.

If you are expecting some politician to rescue you, you're going to be waiting a very long time. So if you haven't passed out already, please stop holding your breath. Believe you me, if they could do anything, they would have done it already.

Politics is all about firing people up with great speeches, getting elected again, and raising money so you can stay in office. It does not matter if the politician is a Republican or a's still cereal...just in a different bowl. These guys just want you to sit quietly, pay your taxes, and keep voting them back into office. What do they do when they want a raise? Most of us get our hard earned raises based on our job performance. Them? If they want a raise, they just vote on it.

The average person can not have a sustained record of poor performance... and still have a job. The average person can not mismanage funds, cost the company money and still have a job. The average person wouldn't have been able to create a debt so huge it could bankrupt a company...because the average person would have been FIRED long before they could do that much damage.

No one can debate what I have just said. It is as plain as the nose on your face. Sadly, I don't see things getting better anytime soon. I am not a gloomy person, I'm a realist. I don't mind taking chances once in a while, but I do know when the odds are against you, don't place your bet.

I am not writing this blog just to complain. That's the trouble with the world, people are always whining and nobody is providing any solutions. There would be a lot less complaining if we had a rule that goes something like this...Every complaint you utter must be accompanied with a solution. If you don't have a solution, don't lodge a complaint.

Think of how much better the world would be if everyone would think before they opened their mouth. Blah blah blah...this is wrong...blah blah blah...that is wrong ...yada yada yada...everything and everybody is wrong except fix it.

That's right, fix it. I don't care how much it costs, I don't care about the red tape, I don't care about the extra headaches it will cost you, just get it done. It's so easy to dump complaints on someone and take no responsibility to fix anything yourself.

The world has changed and we as a people have to change with it. We must become a solution oriented people. We must conquer our problems or our problems are going to conquer us. If you are reading this blog you have a million reasons to pay close attention to what I am about to say.

The cost of living, unpredictable gas prices, social security, mortgage rates, the depleting dollar, college tuition, health care issues, retirement, acts of nature....the list goes on. It is not a matter of "If " you are going to deal with these issues, it's when. These problems can't be swept under the rug, you can't ignore them. You must take the bull by the horns...yourself.

You have to do it...I HAVE TO DO IT. Don't wait for our politicians to do it, they are too busy mismanaging our tax money. It's too late for them, save yourself. This is a "Midlife call to Action" Middle aged people should be the ones to rescue this country.

If you are a middle aged person , chances're responsible, you're mature and you have a lot of life experience. This country is a mess, it's up to you to fix it. Just HOW do we do that Mister Xman? Well...all the problems I have mentioned gas prices and the cost of living... are mostly money issues.

Our politicians have already ruined the country and now they preach about everyone tightening their belt and being responsible with spending. At this point, it goes in one ear and out the other. If they had been responsible in the first place, we wouldn't be in this mess. Not spending more than you have is a wise strategy. No one would deny that. However, it is only a partial solution.

To really address the problem, you need to introduce NEW MONEY into the equation. Think about it, it's not rocket science. We need to stop spending what we don't have, start paying off what we owe and make more money to boot. Not just a few extra bucks a month...we need a thriving business.

There needs to be an Army of middle aged people out there starting new businesses. Who better to start a business than a middle aged person? You've been around the block a few times, you're older, wiser, mature , responsible and you think things through.

You are not a senior yet, so GOD willing, you still have a few years left to prepare for retirement. Do you want to leave your future in the hands of politicians who have such a bad track record? Do you really believe for one minuet that these guys are going to fix the social security problem just in time for you to retire?

You need to take charge of your own future. No one else is going to do it for you. Start protecting yourself now. The dollar is declining? Buy some gold as a protective hedge against inflation. If you need money to buy gold...Start a business.

Even if you have some money saved up, when a health care issue comes up,it's going to destroy you financially. Start a business and start putting aside some money, because when you least expect it... you OR a loved one will get sick or have an accident. It could happen overnight...and it will be a very expensive chapter in your life.

Have you noticed how we seem to be having more natural disasters lately? Things like earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes and lightening strikes are more common place now. No matter where you live, a fire can occur anywhere. People who live from paycheck to paycheck are very vulnerable when disaster strikes. Start a business and you will be better prepared to handle disaster.

So many people are out of work. Unemployment is too high. Start a business...hire a couple of people and put them to work. So you many of the problems in this country can be solved by an army of middle aged people starting a business. And is not the solution for everything that is wrong with this country, but it is a good start.

Is there risk? of course there is. Most business fail in the first year. That is common knowledge. That is why this type of venture needs to be undertaken by someone who is wise. Someone who makes mature decisions. Someone willing to put in the time and research necessary to create a successful business... because his future depends on it.

When you are considering what kind of business to start, look for a business model that is already working then find a way to duplicate the process. Do not try to build Rome in a day. Start out with a simple inexpensive low risk, venture and work your way up.

In today's world the most a practical business model worth considering would probably be something that is Internet based and automated. Depending on what,and how you're selling it can be very cost effective. I will let you in on a little secret.

If you you have a great idea, or want to sell something or offer a some unbiased research first. See how popular the idea is . See if there is a market for what you have to offer. In other words see if people want it first, then create a business centered around what people want. It dose not matter what you think they want. It is only important what they actually want.

No matter how stupid this thing is...give it to them. If that's what they want, sell it to them. If you have the greatest idea or product in the world, it doesn't matter at this point. When you're just starting out, give them what they want.

Another thing BE WHERE THEY CAN SEE YOU. Lots of people get the stuff that people want Then they build a store where there's hardly any traffic. What a waste of money. Some people build a web site and don't know how to get Internet traffic to visit their site. Another waste of money. If you do the research, you wont have to waste money.

So, in summary...The World's as well as this country is a mess. It's not your fault, but you're going to suffer anyway. If you're waiting for some politician to save you, you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Most of the problems that are affecting us as a whole can be solved or lessened if an army of us mid lifers would start a business.

This is your wake up call. Get to it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Xman in the Mask

Who are you? Where are you from? What's your favorite food? What are your hobbies and interests? How's your love life? What are your deepest darkest secrets? What about the good, the bad...and the very, very ugly?

When a person decides to live their life in the public eye, they have to realize people will want to know personal details about them. Anyone who decides to become an actor, politician, or professional athlete runs the risk of having people probing ( Uninvited ) into their private life.

There seems to be a preconceived notion that anyone who is a celebrity or public figure isn't entitled to their privacy. If you are starved for attention, or love the spotlight, no problem. However, not everyone enjoys undue attention ALL DAY, EVERYDAY.

In fact, once in a while you might see a celebrity turn on a Pavarotti who is trying to take their picture. Video cameras can get smashed and occasionally someone may get their foot ran over. Why? Because everyone needs breathing room once in a while. Even if you love the limelight, sooner or later you're bound to feel just a little suffocated.

When someone barges into your life and hijacks your privacy, you feel violated. Imagine sitting on the toilet...then someone decides to shove a pen under the stall because they want an autograph. What if someone wanted to snap your picture right then and there? I'm sure that most normal people would agree, this kind of behavior is unacceptable.

Sometimes when we see someone famous, we forget they're human too, then we do and say very inappropriate things. Sometimes we treat famous people as though they are public property. It's almost like we think they owe us something.

Perhaps we paid to see a movie they stared in. Maybe we voted for them, or bought tickets to their ball game. Since we spent our money on them... they should stop and talk to us as long as we want. After all, if it wasn't for the fans, or the voters, they wouldn't even have a job.

They should be more than happy to sign an autograph and talk to us for an hour. Of course, I make those kinds of statements to demonstrate how absurd it is to smother someone like that and expect that person to be OK with it.

It's alright to tell someone how much you admire them...but you need to learn to how to be respectful to the object of your affection. Before you express yourself, try to put yourself in that persons place. Be considerate. If you're crowding the person, back off a bit. You're trying to tell this person how awesome they are, not annoy them or chase them away.

Play it by ear and always be polite, but try not to hold them up if they seem to be in a hurry. If they are open, and generous with their time, lucked out. The thing is...these brief encounters should be pleasant for both parties involved.

Most really famous people have no choice but to accept life as it is dealt to them. Their face is just too well known. Sometimes they have body guards to keep people at bay. Sometimes they wear a disguise. Some of them just let the chips fall where they may. It's the price ( or the curse ) of fame. The smart ones somehow know how to get on with their life and not worry about it.

Which is cool...until someone with a video camera decides to start following you around fishing for any little tidbit that would look good on the six o'clock news...or the tabloids for that matter. Once these vultures start harassing you, you could be the subject of rag magazines, evening news, and tasteless jokes for weeks...or even months.

I'm sure that if easily recognisable people had a choice, they would choose to NOT be recognised once in a while. Perhaps if they could turn fame on and off like a faucet...their life would be a little more tolerable. Choice is always preferable to lack of choice.

I write from experience, because I've had people encroach on my time while trying to have dinner with a loved one. I've been out shopping, and had people insist that I perform my act right then and there in the super market. ( Talk about awkward ). Once I actually had to quit a job just to get away from a stalker.

All these things happened several years ago, and it's part of the reason I wear a mask in public. I am not militant about my secret identity. Nor do I freak out because some people already know who I am. However, it does give me some measure of control over my private life.

Having the ability to come and go as I please is such a privilege. I bet there are a few famous faces out there who would give anything to be a "Regular Joe" for just one night. Be nice to them when you meet them, OK?