
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mister Xman's Tri-Barrel Part One

I have been blessed with a very innovative mind.  I constantly come up with new ideas.  Sometimes people in my circle of influence bug me for sharing my ideas so openly.  They insist I have an obligation to go to market with my ideas and sell them.  For example... a few months ago someone asked me to help him design a prototype of a new prosthetic limb.   As I started to toss out ideas to help this one armed gentleman, two of my associates jumped all over me.  They believed the guy was trying to prod me for ideas. 

They cautioned me that this evil one armed bandit planned to leave me out of the loop so he could market the thing behind my back.  My reaction was,so what, I don't care."  I have ideas coming out the Wazoo.  I think of stuff like that all day long.  Let the poor guy some make money.  I'm glad to help.  I don't have time to develop the idea myself anyway.  They were a little socked by my attitude, but I'm sure they'll get over it. 

That's not the way things are usually done, I know. However, that's the way I am.  Today I will tick my associates off even further, because I am about to give away one of my ideas in this blog post.  I believe this idea will help lots of people work smarter not harder.   

A little history first.  Here in New York, we were hit by the Storm of the Century.  Better known as Hurricane Sandy.  It caused Billions of dollars in damage.  Businesses were lost, Lives were ruined.  People died.  Even today,  people are still struggling to recover.  A good friend of mind is helping with recovery effort in Brighton Beach, also known as Little Russia by the Sea.   Brighton Beach is mostly a Russian community located in Brooklyn New York.  It's near Conney Island.

Anyway, due to flooding from the storm, mud was everywhere.  My friend had to take mud from a basement of a store and take this mud and dump it nearly a half mile away.  Using only a wheel barrow, he needed to move an estimated 3 tons of mud.  I altered his wheel barrow to make things a little easier for him. 

I created something I like to call the "Tri-Barrow".  In other words, a wheel barrow with 3 wheels.  A half mile is a long way to use a traditional wheel barrow.  That's quite a work out.  A Tri-Barrow takes  the stress off your arms and  lets the wheel barrow do the work for you.  So... that's why I came up with the thing... to help make life easier for a friend. 

It worked like a charm and saved my friend time and money, so I was pleased with my contribution. 
Just think, If I hadn't interveined, the man whould have arms that are 3 feet longer by now.

  As I looked around at the mess left by Sandy, I thought about how others might benefit from something like my Tri-Barrow idea.  So, I mentioned posting this idea in a blog or uploading a video to You Tube, one of my associates pitched a fit. 

Sell it, Sell it, Sell it!  That's all he ever sees.  He thinks I'm a fool for sharing  the idea so freely.  He figures a Tri Barrow needs to be developed and sold for a profit.  Me... I feel like the people who got hit by the storm suffered enough.  Some of them might not ever recover fully.  People need help now, not after a lenghty developemental process to eventually... end up in Home Depot. 

I think that our life should be defined by how many people we help.  Not by how much money we make.  Don't get me wrong, we need money, I just don't think we have to start drooling every time there's an opportunity to make a buck.  Try not to let money own you. Don't get me wrong, I want to make money as well as the next guy.  I just think that money is a tool for you to use.  Not a tool that turns you into a tool as well. 

I do have an idea to help seal up people's homes so that they don't suffer damage from severe flooding.   This idea saves people's property and saves the insurance industry BILLIONS of dollars as well.  I find it totally appropreate to make money off an idea like that. 

However, I don't have to be greedy,  It's not necessary to make money off every idea I in my head.  My theory is... people who help other people ... will eventually make money somewhere along the line.  It comes with the territory. 

Well, that's not the end of the story, I plan to write a part two.  Seems after doing a little research, I found there was already a Tri wheel barrow out there... long before mine.  

In the mean time, Enjoy the picture of my Tri-Barrow, and feel free to use the idea to make your life a little easier.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Will Planet X Be A No Show?

I have been hearing about planet X... ( aka Nibiru ) for many years now.  I am kinda sick and tired of hearing about it.  From time to time,  People do ask me my opinion on the subject, and I tell them.

Today is the 19th of December 2012.  Now is the perfect time to say weigh in.  On the 22nd it won't matter.  If you read all of my blog posts... somewhere in there you will find me making a statement about a recient event in history called Y2K.

If you remember, there was a lot of hype over Y2k over a decade ago.  People got excited, scared, and sometimes even panicked.  Rumors were widespread, and so-called experts made lots of money writting books about it.

Some experts said the whole computer industry was going to be impacted.  Other experts said nothing was going to happen because Y2K was going to be a non event.  I was not a computer expert at the time, so I didn't say one way or the other.  I just said... LET'S JUST WAIT AND SEE.

Well, the year 2000 came and went... nothing happened, and a lot of people who thought they knew everything ended up with egg on their face.  Their faithful prediction did not come true.  Afterward, we all got on with our lives.

If I were pressed for an answer...or had to bet on 21 December 2012  I think I would lean toward this being a non event. ( But what do I know? )

I have mixed feelings about the subject.  Something really weird is happening on our planet lately.  No doubt about that. There's drastic changing weather patterns we've never had to deal with before.  Here in New York, I'm still helping people piece their lives back togeather after Hurricane Sandy.

Some say it's just Global warming.  Of course, that does not explain why there seems to be more earthquakes lately.  Earthquakes seem to be getting worse than ever.  Some experts say there's something "out there" interfering with the gravitational field of our solar system.  of corse that's a whole other subject.

I'm no expert or scientist... but seems to me... if Nibiru was only 2 days away... shouldn't we be able see it by now?  Even if it's down by Antartica shouldn't Nibiru and it's sister planets still be easy to spot by now?

If it's only 2 days away... then Nibiru's magnetic fields should be interfering with the earth's magnetic fields.  If all those stories about the year 2012 are really true, then why aren't we experiencing utter chaos right now?

If this series of objects really does have a 36 HUNDRED year orbit... that means it's a COMMON occurance.  It hasn't destroyed the world yet.  So, why does the world have to come to an end now... just because the Myan calendar is rebooting it's self?

Then there's all these people who do research on ancient ruins... and such.  Admittedly it's very exciting to read about som lost ancient technology built all these monuments for us to ponder.  I'm sure it all means... SOMETHING.

Whatever that SOMETHING is... I haven't got a clue.  The only thing I can say for sure ( for the record ) is this:  On the 22nd of December 2012... somebody, somewhere will have bragging rights.   Someone will be able to say  " I told you so"   I just wonder WHO will get to say it.  The guys who say... Batten down the hatches, we're about to get hit by a runaway planet, or the guys who say... Dont worry, you can sleep in late, this is just another  a non event.

Well, I've included 2 videos for your consideration.  Each video approaches the subject from 2 different perspectives. Now, you and I know,  they both can't be right. 

As for yours truly, the best I can say is... we'll see.  However, my money is in the non event camp.  Let's just hope they're right.  In any case, no matter what happens, I don't expect the world to end for at least another 1,000 years... tops.  Take that to the bank.  ( I know a guy... who knows secret stuff )