
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

French Drop

The first trick I ever learned was the French Drop. I was seven years old. I found the trick in the library. For a while, it was the only trick I knew, so I became pretty good at it. As I got older and started earning money, I bought illusion after illusion. I never ment to become a magician. In my mind I was doing research. I just wanted to know how things worked.

It is strange, but I don't really remember the transition from ordinary person to magician. It is sort of a blur. At first, I wasn't doing any shows, I would just do a trick or two just to see the look on someones face. That was very satistfying.

After a while people started saying ..."We are having a bla bla function at the yada yada you think you could do some kinda show?" "OK, why not?" I didn't mind. Then people started to ask me to do kids shows. Then I nstarted to mind a little bit.

I wanted to be like David Copperfield...not Coco the Clown. I wanted to walk thru the Great Wall of China, not make balloon animals. I wanted to saw people in half, not pull a rabbit out of a hat. I wanted to make the Statue of Liberty dissappear, not make milk come out of my nose. The problem is you tear up a dollar and turn it into a hundred dollar bill ...and the kid can't read yet, Huston we have a problem.

I was young, give me a break. Yes I LOVE FIRE, EXPLOSIONS, SMOKE and shoving a big needle into my forearm...but you want to know who my favorite audiences have been over the years? The very young, and the very old. Kids are great they really get into it. The elderly are awesome as well. They show so much appreciation for you coming to visit with them.

I have been in New York City since...shortly after 9/11. Since that time I have spent most of that time just surviving. It is so expensive here. For the longest time I was in a rut. Now I seemto have gotten my bearings And now I am ready to do more than just survive. I have heard it said "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere" After nearly 10 years, I am inclined to aggree.

The thing that I have learned about myself while living here is "Whatever you are, YOU ARE" There are two things that I am for sure. One is a magician. Even though I haven't been doing shows for a while, I have never really stopped creating new magic. Another thing I am is an artist. I have never stoped creating art work.

The passage of time has not deminished my magic, or my art. Perhaps they have even gotten better with time.

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