Buy Mister Xman1 Stuff? What the heck does that mean? You are going to laugh when I say it...I am Mister Xman, I have some stuff, and you can buy my stuff. Ta dah!! Seriously, I am many things to many people, but one of my passions in life is helping middle aged people to live a better life.
If I am a middle aged man myself, and I go around preaching do this and do that...fix this and fix that...yet don't provide any examples...what good is that? I tell people all the time, you must start a business of your own, because you simply need more money in this stinking economy. I tell people to invest In gold, because they will need a hedge against the shrinking dollar.
I give lots of practical, common sense advice all the time. Whether or not you listen to my advice ...well, that's up to you. However, if you do decide to do something for yourself, make sure you use your head. Do some research, and figure out what best suits our lifestyle.
For example: Wow , Mister Xman, I hear you. It makes perfect sense. I need more money to make ends meet. I'm going to run down to the bank, take out a loan on my house and go build a store down the street. NEVER MIND THAT ONLY 15 CARS A YEAR DRIVE BY THAT STREET, I AM GOING TO RISK IT ALL BECAUSE I READ IT IN A BLOG SOMEWHERE.
Whoa! Down Boy, hold on Sparky! Back up. Use your head. Do some research. Think about your particular situation. You are unique, there is no one else like you on the whole planet. Perhaps a corner store is not practical for your needs.
If you have never had a business before, you are going to have to educate yourself before you run off into the sunset with your guns blazing. Since we now live in an information age, it is pretty simple to find out answers for most questions. No matter what you are trying to find out, most answers are only a few mouse clicks away.
The Internet is one of the best places to learn just about anything you can imagine. NOT EVERYTHING, MIND YOU, but most things. Definitely how to start a business. If your dream is to be a first time business owner, that is a very realistic, very obtainable goal. As long as you learn the formula and obey the rules you will be OK.
Basically, I'm saying make sure you put water in the pool before you jump. YOU fill that thing up...don't trust someone else to do it for you. Sometimes they say they will...and then they don't actually do it. Always double check. Make sure that no one drained the pool when your back was turned. For some strange reason... certain people love to sabotage the efforts of other people. Thank me later for that little insight.
Once that pool is filled. Think about all the little things. Keep the proper chlorine balance to kill dangerous biologicals. Me,... I would have security camera nearby. Perhaps some mean spirited person will want to urinate in your pool. Of course all this talk has NOTHING to do with pools. It is just a metaphor for a the mindset you must have for starting up a business.
By the way, I haven't swam in a public pool for over 30 years now. Why? Well, because when I did swim in public pools there were lots and lots of other people in the pool with me. I am kind of a germaphobic. Every time I swam in the pool, I got a big mouth full of water. ( Gross ) If you don't understand what I,m talking about, do a little survey.
Ask any large group of people the following question: Be honest now, how many of you have ever peed in a public pool? I feel confident that the answer will be a little unsettling. In our minds we already know it's true. It's just something we never think about. OH MAN!!! Look at me. I'm getting off the subject.
Anyway, the point of this blog is...like most middle aged people, I need something out of the norm to make my life work. The economy is brutal. We all need more money. Starting a small business is something that makes perfect sense. I own several small businesses. Yes, I am spread out a little thin, but that's the way GOD built me. If I wasn't always challenging myself to do better, I don't think I could get out of bed in the morning.
Some of my business ventures are on line. On line is a great way to do a business, because it solves the problem of building a store where there's no traffic. A store is a great idea, but if it's in the middle of nowhere, it does you no good. That's why doing business on the internet is such a brilliant idea. Having an on line store is like having a storefront that can serve customers from all over the world.
( A word of caution for on line...OR ANY business for that matter...you need to learn to advertise. If you don't, you are wasting your time)
For an Internet based business...start-up costs can range anywhere from expensive, to moderate....to little or nothing at all. It's an idea who's time has arrived. It is important for me to help people to help themselves. So, out of all the ventures that I have going...the following example is probably one of the best example. If you are a "newbie" you may like this business model. I is one of the easiest I have ever seen.
What if you have a logo...like me, and you could put your logo on products and sell the stuff on line? That's exactly what I do. My on line store is called "Mister Xman1 Stuff" It was easy to get this thing up and running, and it didn't cost anything to set up. I also have good quality merchandise. ( As you can see from the sample photos.)
This kind of venture is not right for everyone, but for a lot of us mid lifers it's the perfect no hassle business to start up. If you would like to purchase some of my Mister Xman1 Stuff , or would like to learn how to set up your own on line store, click this link: http://www.cafepress.com/misterxmanstuff Go ahead, buy a tee shirt for your kid... Let him look like a Superhero.
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