Hello whoever you are...My name is Mister Xman1. I can best be described as a entertainer/ artist/ film maker/ entrepreneur and all around fun guy. I like to teach people to believe all things are possible. Very subtle, but I accomplish this by teaching people how to do magic. When you practice magic on a regular basis, your problem solving mindset becomes supercharged.
Mister Xman exists to take advantage of two dramatically different lifestyles. One Lifestyle is very quite and private, the other very public. So in a nutshell, the Mister Xman character has been created to be an extension of myself. It's a chance to live out fantasies in the public eye and still have a private life as well.
I have actually had some mild success with a few you tube videos I've created. Most notably, I have a fake UFO tutorial. It's the number one tutorial of it's kind on the Internet. I am pleased with this thing because people seem to like it. I wanted to show people they could make their own convincing UFO photos and videos.
I actually provided a valuable service, because while doing life long research on the UFO phenomena, I encountered a massive amount of fraudulent Photos and Videos. Many times these fakes were presented as genuine. It bugged me, because I was looking for truth. I have had people thank me because they learned how to be discerning when viewing evidence.
My philosophy has always been...never show your best work first...always leave people wanting more. So the next UFO tutorial will be more technicaly demanding, also more visually appealing.
Also on you tube I've posted a few magic illusions and tricks, there's also some interesting basketball shots. The message I want to convey with the video I've posted on this blog is this...I do plan to step it up and create bigger better content.
My life is not all about you tube videos by the way. There other projects I want to accomplish utilizing my Mister Xman character. Since I am a middle aged man myself, I naturally have an interest in issues dealing with middle aged people. In my spare time I have been creating a resource center for mid lifers. I am looking forward to providing quality information that will help make people's lives better.
If you read my blogs you will see me downplaying any similarities between Mister Xman and Real life Superheroes. However, I do wonder from time to time...If an actual "comic book style Superhero" really existed...what would he be like?
Today's modern Real Life Superheroes for the most part...wear costumes, patrol the street in neighborhood watch programs, and do charity work. That's all fine...but I wonder what it would be like to see a person who is more like the Superheroes portrayed in comic books.
What if a regular guy could have super strength? What if a person could figure out how to actually fly without an airplane? What about real super powers? How about owning a very unusual really cool Superhero vehicle? Now that would be something to see.
Though I do not call myself a Superhero, perhaps I will explore these questions and see if it is possible to create a "next level" Real Life Super Hero. It seems like it would be a great project to work on. Maybe I will never get around to do something on this scale, because it would be very expensive and time consuming. Besides, the present version of Mister Xman keeps me busy enough.