I recently uploaded a video describing how to fake UFO photos and videos. (you tube) I could understand how someone might get the impression I don't believe in such things. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have had several UFO related encounters.
Sometimes these encounters are beautiful and awe inspiring...sometimes they are incredibly frightening. I speak from first hand knowledge when I say UFOs are 100% real. I believe in GOD...MORE than I believe in UFOs, but I have seen what I have seen.
You know, It used to drive me crazy...trying to figure out what these things were. No more. Conspiracy UFO theorist have said that the government is evil and is hiding the truth from us. Maybe so...who knows? Some people also think "The truth is out there" Oh brother. "OUT THERE" covers a lot of territory. I get a headache just thinking about it.
Speaking of the truth being out there, I once had the opportunity to ask David Duchovny if he had ever thought about whether or not UFOs were real. It happened here in New York at the movie premier of "The Television Set". In front of three or four hundred people he said...........no. NO? How can a guy who has been on the X Files for Five years not think about something like that? Trust me Agent Mulder, they ARE real.
I no longer rack my brains trying to figure all this stuff out. Now a days I just live my life and do the best I can. Let someone else figure it out. Personally, I think that if someone has gone to all this trouble to keep this thing hidden...maybe its best to leave it alone. My theory is that every single person who covers this stuff up is NOT a bad person. Surely there is someone in this group who cares about people and is not out to destroy the world. What if this information is JUST TOO DANGEROUS? That might explain a few things.
So if you're looking to unlock the mystery of the UFO...be careful what you wish for...you just might get it. Think about it. What if that TV show "V" is real...and a bunch of Hi Tech lizard people from outer space want to have us for lunch so they can suck out our brains? Now, that's not a pretty picture, is it? For the record...UFOs are very real, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. That's the bottom line.
Wow Mister Xman, you are such a KILLJOY, GLOOM AND DOOM NAY SAYER. No I'm not. It's just that I've noticed that the vast majority of people who go around looking for UFOs are on a long and winding road to nowhere. They keep looking and looking with no end in sight. Instead of wasting my time on something I can't do anything about, I'd rather focus on things I can touch, see, feel and understand.
Anyway, like I said...I posted a video on you tube. It's a tutorial on how to fake UFO photos and videos. Why did I do that? Well, number one, it was fun. Number two, so many people make fake videos and try to pass them of as real. After all I've been through I consider that an insult.
If there's one thing my tutorial proves....it's that an average guy with little or no budget can come up with some very convincing stuff. Another thing, I admit right off the bat my UFO footage is fake. A clever video is a clever video. It can still be cool even if it's not real. However, you will look pretty dumb if you say your footage is real and later on its proven to be a fake.
I just want to show people they can have fun without lying about it. I enjoyed putting this stuff together, and I did it all without the wonder of CGI. I'm sure people will employ some of my techniques to make own UFO videos. Some will even spend a little money and come up with stuff that is 10 times better than anything I presented.
I say GO FOR IT.
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