There is a new movement out there called the "Real Life Super Hero" movement. I hear it has been gaining in popularity since 911. Lots of people are putting on a costume, patrolling the streets and declaring to the world "I'm a crime fighter". There is even a web site where you can register as a Super Hero, then post your picture profile.
I suppose they are well meaning folks, but I tend to gravitate away from organizations like that. My fear is that most people who get involved with unregulated Super Hero activities or groups are not qualified. They have no real training and it's just a fun hobby to them. They are trying to live out their childhood fantasy. (I should talk)
Who is it that actually decides who is Super and who is not? What do you actually have to do to be declared a real Super Hero? What makes you so Super... or a crime fighter for that matter? Where did you get your training ? Don't Super Heroes have some kind of superpower?
I have to be honest with you, I am not sure I should be calling myself a Real Life Super Hero. Me wearing a mask has less to do with being a Super Hero, and more to do with being an entertainer... only when I feel like it.
However, if someone should be wearing the Super Hero label...I deserve it as much as anyone else. I'm probally more qualified as well. First off, I actually did do some police work for the military. That was a while ago, but at least I have the background.
I have been doing martial arts since I was a kid. I can really take care of myself. I am very strong. When I have time, I can do 1500 push ups a day. Most people consider 100 push ups their max. That is a single set to me. One day I will post a video on you tube of me doing one set of push ups.
I don't remember how many purse snatchers I've nabbed. Seems like it was 4 or 5. It's been a while. It never mattered how big of a head start the guy had, I always out ran him and got the lady her purse back.
I've saved people in dangerous situations, like from getting beaten up. Sometimes weapons were involved. Let me tell you...not once...not once did I dive into a phone booth and change into a costume, then come out yelling some silly cliche.
Up, up and away! Unhand her you fiend! Never fear, Mister Xman1 is here! It just doesn't happen like that. I was just a regular guy minding his own business when these things happened. Real life is not a comic book. In real life you can get hurt. I have a knife wound in my side to prove it.
The same people who stabbed me killed a guy. They stabbed this poor guy 33 times. Another person was stabbed 11 times by the very same people, but he lived. The thing is, I wasn't trying to be a hero at the time. I was trying to mind own business...while on my way to work. The stab was equivalent to a sucker punch.
So all of you "Super Hero Wanna Be's" out there...be careful. I am good at taking care of myself and I wasn't even looking for trouble. Trouble can happen anytime...anywhere...and If you are out there looking for trouble, watch out, you just might find it.
I know you want to be like the neighborhood watch on steroids. I know you want to be special...but seriously, be careful. If you really want to help people, maybe you should consider becoming a cop or a fireman. Yes, I know... less glory..but at least no one will look at you like you are a vigilante or a costumed weirdo.
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