In todays world you see fewer and fewer people with well defined abs in their mid life. Age catches up with you after a while. Your body is slower to heal., and you get tired easier. Even I get that way once in a while.
There is every gmmick known to man for sale out there. Every diet you can immagine. Lots of videos, different exercise programs. Abs... vanity as it were, is big business. Even me, I don't want my gut hanging over my belt. In my oppinion it all boils down to hard work... although I did see a commercial the other day about someone who claimed she could help you get a flat stomache by breathing properly.
I do own an Ab lounge, and I like it. I don't have to get down on the floor and do situps, but I do it anyway. I do all kinds of ab related excercises. The ab lounge is a little easier yes, but I like a rounded work out, so I do EVERYTHING. If I work out a little harder I do get results.
I encourage any mid lifer who starts working out... don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away. Your body is changing. It may not seem like it, but change is taking place though you may not be able to see it with your naked eye. Start a routine. Stick to it... and for crying out loud get a reasonable diet with good food. get rid of the junk, OK?
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I'm 53 Years Old, and I still Have Abs

I am a 53 year old guy and I still have abs. I consider myself blessed. In the early days I used to really watch my diet. I exercised more and I did a lot more sit ups, push-ups, running, combat sports... you name it.
As a person ages, they have so many responsibilities that it sometimes seems to crush them. Sometimes you just don't seem to have any time to yourself. What happens? You say... I was up late last night with a crying baby, I can't get up too early this morning... I'll skip the jog... just this one time.
After all, I've got to be fresh at work today. Anyway, how an I going to feed this baby, if I loose my job? You sleep little too long, so you start running late, then you gotta rush, drop the kids off to school, no time for breakfast Hon... I'll get something on the way to work.
Traffic was bad, so you barely made it to work on time. Wow, plate full of donuts today... of well, just this one time, I missed breakfast, I can have a few donuts if I want to, It's not like I do it all the time. There is no healthy food here at work... I don't have a choice... I have to eat this stuff. Sooo much work to do..............................setting here at my desk.........................all day long.
Life can creep up on you and before you even know what hit you............. you're over weight, with absolutely no energy and............. a gut that is hanging over your belt. Since you are no spring chicken, It's a lot harder to exercise than it used to be, even when you want to do it.
It's just soooo hard to get motivated. Also, some of your body parts actually hurt now. You get tired a lot easier now-a-days. You've tried to do the right thing a couple of times, but you just get burned out and quit. One day you just get sick of trying.
You do manage to avoid the mirror for the longest time, but one day you can't help but look, and what do you see? The "Fat Elvis" version of yourself. The first time you see it, you are in shock. Maybe even denial., but you finally get used to it... and finally you except it and you just give up.
Me? What about me? What makes me so special? Well actually, I'm just like everybody else, I do have my times when I have a difficult time eating right or getting exercise. However, I have discovered something about myself. A little bit goes a long way. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT MISTER XMAN? WHY DO YOU ALWAYS SOUND LIKE YOU'RE SPEAKING IN CODE?!
Relax Skippy. Let me explain. I have times when my life gets busy, just like everybody else. After all, I live in Manhattan. So I know all about busy. I know all about that tempting quick bite that is so readily available. You know it would be a lot better for you to wait just a little while longer and eat something a little healthier.
I have to admit it is VERY difficult to avoid sometimes. Still I do catch breaks when I have time to eat right and exercise properly... and it makes a difference. A big difference. You may not notice. However, others seem to notice. Try a little experiment for a week or two.
Eat right and just get a LITTLE exercise for two weeks. Just TWO weeks. See if people don't notice. They will. even just two weeks will do wonders for you. A little bit goes a long way. Just like "Fat Elvis"sneaks up on you, the slimmer more healthier you will sneak up on you too.
That's right, Sometimes it is not easy to do the right thing, however, most of us have the capacity to change. We just have to do a little tweaking in our schedule to work it out.
You must find a block of time somewhere in your day and claim it. It is yours. Nobody disturbs you for that block of time. It might be 30 minuets, it could be 20 minuets, It might even be as little as 10 minuets a day, but nobody gets to disturb you for those 10 minuets.
Only you know when the right time is. Do you have to set an alarm clock before everyone else wakes up, so you can have a few minuets to yourself? Perhaps the best time is just a half hour just before bedtime, or maybe right after you get home from work ... when you change out of your work clothes.
Maybe you can actually get in a whole hour sometime over the week end and slip in a Wednesday every week. It does take effort and discipline.
You have to force yourself a little sometimes... just a little. Don't look in the mirror. Take a picture. One before picture and one after picture. That is a great way to encourage yourself. Pictures don't lie. Not the mirror though, that's too gradual. You can't see the dramatic change that takes place.
After you are encouraged, you can go at it a little harder, and you will see even bigger results. Trust me. I do know what its like. I have these long periods of time where I don't exercise as much as I would like to, and I get a little mad at myself, but I never completely quit.
One of my favorite pieces of equipment is this thing called an "Ab Lounge". I'm sure you've seen them in TV commercials. I actually hang mine on the wall near my bed. It's always there to remind me, sooner or later I've got to take that thing down and work it.
I don't work out nearly as much as I would like to... because sometimes my life is insanely busy, but sometimes all I need is a little "touch up" anyway. Just a little maintenance to keep the old abs in place. I think for a 53 year old guy I'm not so bad. Yes, I do realize that one day I will be dead, one day I will eventually get a little older, and blah, blah blah.
However, I will say the same thing I always say about all inevitable situations. If it's going to get dark, don't curse the darkness. Get a flash light, or light a candle. Don't sit around in the dark complaining. Just do the best you can. You won't regret it.
Oh by the way............ I LOVED ELVIS.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Buy Gold Now with Mister Xman1
I don't know about you, but I find it very frustrating to live in a time of financial uncertainty. All indicators seem to point to economic collapse because the US government seems to think it's OK to print money like it's going out of style.
Sooner or later, you have to pay the Piper... and unfortunately, the innocent are going to suffer the most. Every expert on the planet says that endlessly printing money is irresponsible, and that there is going to be a crash soon if something doesn't change. By change I mean now.
Things are not getting better. No one seems to be doing anything. I suppose all you can do when you are on the deck of the Titanic, and you see an iceberg approaching... is brace for shock. So that is what I am advising people to do... Brace for shock. When you know it's going to get dark... you buy candles and flash lights.
When you know your government is not going to stop printing money, and soon paper currency is going to be worthless... you better buy some gold. If you don't know how, you'd better get educated... quick.
I have taken it upon myself to get involved to help people buy gold for themselves, their loved ones , and to also make money while doing so. I'm just trying to be a responsible American for once. ( Smile. )
Friday, June 3, 2011
Mister Xman1 on Xmen First Class

Xmen First Class... and Mister Xman1... is there any connection between the two? No, I am sorry to say that this humble little old entrepreneur has nothing to do with the Xmen comics, the Xmen movies or their franchise. However, I've seen all the Xmen movies and I like them for the most part.
I didn't have a lot of money growing up, so I didn't get a chance to read a lot of comics.
Why do you dress like a superhero Mister Xman? Are you a Superhero? Why the name "Mister Xman" if you're not one of the Xmen? Those are all very fair questions. First of all, I think the Xmen are cool, but they are fictional. I am a very real person.
I'm not a mutant. I don't come from another planet, and I don't have any super powers...AT LEAST, NOT YET. I say "not yet" because I think that super powers ( on some level ) are actually possible. I just think that a person who develops actual super powers will need to spend a lot of money to develop those super powers.
I have been using disguises for over 30 years now. The original intent was not to be some kind of superhero, but rather to protect my privacy as an entertainer. Years ago, I was a struggling entertainer. People used to stop me in the street and ask me " Hey aren't you the guy who... " several times a day. Some days it was hard to go from point A to point B without getting stopped several times. I often found myself in awkward, uncomfortable situations.
I knew that things had gotten out of control when this young lady started stalking me. She eventually started showing up at my job. There was nothing I could say to get her to leave me alone, so I quit my job. I stopped performing locally, and once in a while I went out of town to perform. Only this time, I wore a disguise and used a pseudonym.
That was how it started. If you read some of my earlier blogs, you will find out, I never started out trying to become a superhero. All my life I have been in pretty decent shape, I liked martial arts and I was a pretty good runner. One of the places where I lived had a problem with purse snatchers.
If I saw someone grab a ladies purse... that made my blood boil. What a rotten thing to do to somebody. So I always ran after the guy. I got purses back because I could always out run the purse snatcher. Usually the guy was so tired by the time I caught up with him... it was very easy to snatch the purse right back.
Are these guys dangerous? Well most of them never put up a fight, they were just tired and wanted to get away. I have only had one guy try to fake me out with some half hearted martial arts stance, but I ignored him and took the purse anyway.
I did not slid down a Bat pole before I started chasing this guy, nor did I feel it necessary to change into a costume before I ran after him. I just saw a person have their whole life ripped from their arms in an instant and it seemed so unfair... and I just couldn't let it happen.
I didn't think I had done anything that was particularly heroic. I just thought I was doing the right thing. All my life I just helped people when I could. I was sure there were lots of people around the country who did the same stuff. I'm sure they did it just because someone needed their help. That's the way it should be.
So the whole idea of dressing up in a costume to patrol the streets, then calling myself a superhero was a foreign concept to me. A couple of years ago, I began to hear stories of people who were doing exactly that. Although, I found these stories interesting... I distanced myself from anything associated with the Real Life Superhero movement.
The reason being... I am ex-military, which means I am used to order, structure and a set of rules that people follow to the letter. It gives me a sense of comfort to know that my team mate who is working along side me is professionally trained and I can count on him or her when my back is against the wall.
I thought about what might happen if a bunch of half cocked untrained civilians from all over the place start engaging in vigilante activities. I did not want to be part of group where there were a hundred different interpretations of how a superhero should conduct himself.
I smelled disaster in the making. So I steered clear. Eventually, I started learning more about Real Life Superheroes... on you tube... the television news... news papers... and the Kick *$$ movie. As far as my personal life goes, I was already doing EVERYTHING that Real Life Superheroes do. I helped people. I did lots of charity work. I even looked like a Superhero.
Crossing over to the Real life Superhero movement was a process for me. Unlike my fictional comic book counterparts, I don't use my disguise the same way Batman or Superman use their disguise. If people find out that Bruce Wane or Clark Kent is a superhero, it ruins their life. Me... I just want some measure of control over my interaction with the public. All the people at work know my alternate identity.
I just want to keep things down to a dull roar. I want to regulate how much of my life I share with people. I feel like I should be entitled to privacy when I'm not in the public eye. Sometimes I go to work like an ordinary person. Then all day long I hear... Mister Xman yada yada... Mister Xman this... Mister Xman that... MisterXman bla bla bla......... all day long!
I can't get them to stop, no matter what I say. I don't come to work dressed as Mister Xman. I don't talk about Mister Xman at work and I just try to do a good job. So one day I confronted one of the guys who kept saying Mister Xman all day long. Let's just call him Harold.
Look Harold, there is no Mister Xman here. I'm just a person. I am just an entertainer, not a superhero. He said, No, you are a superhero,. You are MY SUPERHERO. Well all rightly then... how do you argue with that? Eventually I joined Real Life Superheroes .org. I am still not a hundred percent comfortable using the title "SUPERHERO" yet. So I call myself a Superhero Advisor.
That's right Superhero Advisor. I figured this is one of the ways I can address some of my concerns regarding the Real Life Superhero movement. Now I can do it as a member of the organization, not some nosey outsider.
I've done lots of charity work, I have rescued kittens, performed CPR in a live situation, chased knife welding murderers... purse snatchers, broke up fights where weapons were involved and that's just the stuff I can remember. I was also in the military for a number of years. I even did some time as a military cop.
Who better to come along side Real Life Superheroes and give them advice that will keep them on the straight and narrow?. Good advice that will keep them out of trouble. For example... If you happen to get into some kind of Adam West Wham... Bam ... Slam tuffle with some bad guy, and you hit him in the shin with a knight stick... There is a possibility you could get in trouble yourself. As a military cop, I was only authorised to hit the back of the calf with my night stick.
I doubt if most people know that.
( Even with my background, I go out of my way to tell people CALL 911 FIRST. Of course, I realize this is not always possible. )
I've only been in the Real Life superhero ranks for a few days now. However, I hope to make some positive contributions to the cause. I hope to grow to the point where I will be comfortable enough to call myself a superhero. Even more than that, I want to help to create the next level Real Life Superhero.
I can't wait to see the movie, and In the end, I hope no one will get the impression that I am trying muscle in on the Xman First Class. Although, I totally agree... they ARE first Class all the way, they're just not real. I want to be just as classy... only...I want to do it in real life.
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