I saw a very interesting movie trailer the other day. Nicolas Cage was one of the main characters. The movie is about real life super heroes. (It was called "Kick #@&! ") I had mixed feelings about the movie after I saw the trailer. It looks like the kind movie that will be popular.
However, I am torn. Looks like there will be a lot of violence. By the way, I am not always against violence in the movies. The thing that bothers me after looking at the trailer is... there is a kid in the movie initiating a lot of the violence. This kid also has a serious "potty mouth". Nicolas Cage, her father, is apparently a single parent. Not your typical, responsible, protective type parent either. In one scene he puts his daughter in a bullet proof vest, then shoots her.
It is absurd how he lets her cuss like a sailor and constantly puts her in harms way. No SANE person would put their kid in that kind of danger. At least, that's what I keep telling myself. I cross my fingers and hope that I don't see some lunatic on JERRY SPRINGER, or MAURY POVICH because he put a child in that kind of situation.
However, I am torn. Looks like there will be a lot of violence. By the way, I am not always against violence in the movies. The thing that bothers me after looking at the trailer is... there is a kid in the movie initiating a lot of the violence. This kid also has a serious "potty mouth". Nicolas Cage, her father, is apparently a single parent. Not your typical, responsible, protective type parent either. In one scene he puts his daughter in a bullet proof vest, then shoots her.
It is absurd how he lets her cuss like a sailor and constantly puts her in harms way. No SANE person would put their kid in that kind of danger. At least, that's what I keep telling myself. I cross my fingers and hope that I don't see some lunatic on JERRY SPRINGER, or MAURY POVICH because he put a child in that kind of situation.
I feel a little guilty after watching the trailer, Because I saw a little kid who was only 8 or 10 years old beating the stuffing out of bad guys. Thing is, she was VERY GOOD at beating them to a pulp, and I enjoyed watching her do it. It was wildly entertaining, I feel GUILTY for liking it, but I did like it.
Yes, it's rated R, but who are you kidding? You know all kinds of impressionable young minds are going to see this film. Problem is, kids tend to imitate what they see on the big screen when they like it. They are going to like this movie.
Yes, it's rated R, but who are you kidding? You know all kinds of impressionable young minds are going to see this film. Problem is, kids tend to imitate what they see on the big screen when they like it. They are going to like this movie.
We have gotten so loose as a society lately. In the old days, if a kid used certain words, he could count on getting his mouth washed out with soap. Sorry, I'm old fashioned. I still think that kids should speak respectfully and not use certain words. YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT WORDS I'M TALKING ABOUT.
Another thing...a certain segment of our population will see this movie, put on some homemade costumes, then try their hand at being super heroes. This might create a problem. I believe a few couch potatoes might actually walk out of their local movie theater and try to become an instant crime fighter. Give me a break.
Being a real life super hero is OK, as long as a person can separate real life from fantasy. People simply have to realize that they are not in a comic book. If someone shoots you, guess what? You are going to get hurt or killed. If you try to take on a gang of thugs, chances are you will get beat up and strangled with your own cape.
Another thing...a certain segment of our population will see this movie, put on some homemade costumes, then try their hand at being super heroes. This might create a problem. I believe a few couch potatoes might actually walk out of their local movie theater and try to become an instant crime fighter. Give me a break.
Being a real life super hero is OK, as long as a person can separate real life from fantasy. People simply have to realize that they are not in a comic book. If someone shoots you, guess what? You are going to get hurt or killed. If you try to take on a gang of thugs, chances are you will get beat up and strangled with your own cape.
My suggestion to anyone who wants to be a real life super hero is to be responsible, be realistic, get some training. and know the law. It is very important that you find out WHAT YOU CAN AND CAN NOT DO. Whatever you do, DON'T BECOME A VIGILANTE.
Perhaps I am wrong, maybe kids won't emulate what they see and hear in this movie. Perhaps middle age guys won't get off the couch, put on spandex and start patrolling the streets. Maybe people will walk away from this movie saying, "OK, that was very entertaining, but it was only a movie . I better get on with my life now. After all, I've got to go to work in the morning".................................................................................... Well, I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for the best.
Perhaps I am wrong, maybe kids won't emulate what they see and hear in this movie. Perhaps middle age guys won't get off the couch, put on spandex and start patrolling the streets. Maybe people will walk away from this movie saying, "OK, that was very entertaining, but it was only a movie . I better get on with my life now. After all, I've got to go to work in the morning".................................................................................... Well, I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for the best.